Craft Brow Microblade Academy

Microblading Cosmetic Tattoo Academy specializing in "Natural" FAQ What is Microblading? Microblading is the process of implanting pigment beneath the surface of the skin using a blade consisting of tiny, sterile, disposable needles to produce the appearance of hair strokes in order to enhance the natural beauty of the facial features. Does it hurt? A highly-effective, topical anesthetic is applied to numb area before the procedure. Pain threshold varies from person to person and every effort is made to ensure you are comfortable. Having this procedure during you menstrual cycle may increase discomfort. If you smoke frequently, the anesthesia will not last as long. If you have been diagnosed with Fybromyalgia, this may affect your sensitivity tolerance to the procedure What about Botox? Botox could interfere with the shape of your brows. To prevent this it should be done at least a month before and two weeks after your microblading appointment How long is the session? Your initial session can take up to 3 hours. This consists of numbing, consultation, photos, mapping and microblading. From there, you are expected to return 4-6 weeks later for a touch up. This touch up is always included in the cost of your first appointments How much does it cost? First sessions with Sarah are $600. This is paid over time starting with a deposit due at time of booking... $50 deposit $350 first session $200 second session (4-6 weeks later) Since microblading is designed to fade, touch ups are required annually. This price ranges from $180 for touch ups within 6-8 months and $250 for 9-24 months depending on the time passed since your previous session. First sessions with all other CraftBrow artists are $400 with the same pay schedule listed above Who should not get microblading? Expecting and nursing mothers are not recommended to get microblading. If you have extremely oily skin microblading could fade faster than usual and "combination brows" are recommended. If you are iron deficient or Anemic, fading could occur faster. If you are currently in chemotherapy please wait 3 months before any tattooing How should I prepare for my appointment? If you have an ideal shape you have in mind please bring pictures or wear your brow makeup. Do not schedule any brow tint/hair removal, fillers, or any facials for 2 weeks before or after your appointment. The more hair the better. Any stray hairs that fall outside our final shape can be removed accordingly. If you plan to go on a vacation it is recommended to wait at least 14 days after procedure because you must avoid sun and water exposure. We require all clients on blood thinners to pause use for 72 hours prior to their appointment. This includes Vitamin E, fish oil supplements, Niacin, Aspirin, and Ibuprofen. Do not drink alcohol the night or day before your appointment and limit the amount of caffeine you consume. If you have been on an Accutane prescription in the past microblading CANNOT be considered until after a year of stopped use. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you avoid SUN and TANNING BED exposure for 2 weeks before and after the procedure. What is the healing process? Your semi-permanent makeup will appear darker the first few days. There is no peeling, scabbing or oozing. Aftercare kits with instructions are always provided which each visit. Redness and swelling is minimal and icing or ibuprofen is allowed after procedure How do I book an appointment? It is always best to book though our online booking platform. Booking in person or over the phone is not available. Can I bring a friend to my appointment? Definitely, we have a waiting area where they are more than welcome to wait for your procedure. However, no friends or family are allowed in the treatment room in order to provide the most sanitary environment possible Will I get to see the shape before the procedure? Of course! During the consultation we work together to achieve the best shape and color for your features and have you "okay" the shape. All shapes are inspired and designed according to your natural facial features and bone structure

Business Hours

10 AM - 7 PM
10 AM - 7 PM
10 AM - 7 PM
10 AM - 7 PM
10 AM - 4 PM
11 AM - 4 PM

Cancellation Policy

All appointments cancelled with less than a 48 hour notice result in 50% cancellation fee